Aspose.Email Cloud 20.3 Release Notes

New features

1. Disposable email address detection

Disposable email hurts statistics collecting and clients analysis. To avoid this you can use Aspose.Email Cloud API to determine whether an email address is disposable or not:

var isDisposable = await emailApi.IsEmailAddressDisposableAsync(
    new IsEmailAddressDisposableRequest(""));
Console.WriteLine(isDisposable.Value); //prints true

More languages and examples available in the Reference documentation.

2. Virtual multi email account client

We extended the functionality of the built-in email client. Now you can create virtual multi-account to search, fetch and delete messages from several accounts at the same time:

//New multi account model
var multiAccount = new EmailClientMultiAccount
    ReceiveAccounts = new List<EmailClientAccount>
        new EmailClientAccount("", 993, "SSLAuto", "IMAP",
            new EmailClientAccountPasswordCredentials("", null, "password")),
        new EmailClientAccount("", 443, "SSLAuto", "EWS",
            new EmailClientAccountPasswordCredentials("", null,"password"))

//Save it to file with extension ".multi.account"
await emailApi.SaveEmailClientMultiAccountAsync(
    new SaveEmailClientMultiAccountRequest(
        new StorageFileRqOfEmailClientMultiAccount(
            new StorageFileLocation(
                "First storage", "folder/on/storage", "fileName.multi.account"))));

//Find all messages from, received to both and
var messages = await emailApi.ListEmailModelsAsync(new ListEmailModelsRequest(
    "INBOX", "('From' Contains '')",
    "fileName.multi.account", null,
	"First Storage", "folder/on/storage",

More languages and examples available in the Tutorial.

Other improvements

We improved our apireference. For some endpoints, you can see prefilled example values, when you press “Try it out” button. We are going to add more examples in future. Now examples available for: