Aspose.HTML for Cloud 18.3 - Release Notes
- A group of REST API methods (conversion & translation PUT methods) has been considered as redundant and removed from API- see API Changes section below
- Unneeded parameters have been removed from a number of API methods - see API Changes section below
- GET all images of HTML document: the result ZIP archive folder structure changed - all images that are referenced by the absolute web links are placed in the archive in the __Web_Images folder (instead of full web path).
- API documentation enhancement: descriptions of API methods and parameters in the API Reference page have been extended
Fixed issues
- HTMLAI-229: Translate - encoding issue: if the source HTML charset is not Unicode, the result document may display incorrectly some language-specific characters
- HTMLAI-239: Document -> GET: get document: returns response with empty content
Known issues:
- HTMLAI-215, 227: HTML conversion to image formats issues - it depends on related Aspose.HTML image conversion issues that will be fixed by our Aspose.HTML for .NET team soon
Changed APIs:
- For the following API methods, folder and storage parameters have been removed as unneeded :
- GET: Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to the specified image format
- GET: Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to PDF
- GET: Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to XPS
- For these API methods, xResolution and yResolution parameters were considered as redundant and replaced with a single resolution parameter:
- GET: Convert the HTML document from the storage by its name to the specified image format
- GET: Convert the HTML page from the web by its URL to the specified image format
Removed APIs:
- PUT: Translate the HTML document specified by the name from default or specified storage.
- PUT: Translate the HTML document from the Web specified by its URL.
- PUT: Convert the HTML document to the specified image format.
- PUT: Convert the HTML document to PDF.
- PUT: Convert the HTML document to XPS.