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If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.
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Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for .NET helps you seamlessly integrate 3D object creation and processing capabilities into your cloud-based C# and other .NET applications. Our 3D manipulation Cloud SDK is built on top of Aspose.3D REST API and is offered under an MIT license. Aspose.3D Cloud SDK untuk .NET membantu kode C# Anda untuk membuat berbagai jenis model 3D, objek 3D, dan entitas 3D di cloud, seperti 3D Box, 3D Cylinder, 3D Sphere, Torus, dan 3D Plane. 3D REST API kami membantu Anda membuat program C# berbasis cloud untuk melakukan pemodelan parametrik, mengekstrak konten 3D dari Adobe Acrobat PDF, bekerja dengan jaring triangulasi, melakukan konversi objek 3D berbasis cloud, transformasi model 3D, terjemahan, rotasi, serta penskalaan objek 3D.
Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java makes it very easy for developers to build cloud-based 3D modeling and processing applications in Java. Make your Java code enabled to create 3D Box, 3D Cylinder, 3D Plane, Torus and 3D Sphere in the cloud. Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java is built on top of Aspose.3D REST API and is licensed under MIT. SDK Cloud manipulasi 3D kami memungkinkan aplikasi Java Anda bekerja dengan berbagai format file 3D, seperti 3DS, AMF, RVM, DAE, DRC, FBX, gLTF, OBJ, PDF, PLY, STL, U3D, DXF, JT, X, dan 3MF. Anda dapat mengonversi format file objek 3D yang terletak di server cloud. Selanjutnya, Anda dapat mengonversi seluruh file 3D serta bagian tertentu dari file 3D ke format file lain yang didukung menggunakan 3D REST API kami untuk Java.