Aspose.Imaging Cloud 19.7 - Release Notes

New features, fixes and improvements

IMAGINGCLOUD-360Storage API upload bug workaround
IMAGINGCLOUD-374Storage API move and copy operation bugs workaround

In this release we have fixed Storage API upload/copy/move file bug when corresponding requests return positive result, though check for existence returns negative one.

Aspose.Imaging v19.7 release integration features

IMAGINGNET-2926Saving PSD into PDF does not provide selectable text
IMAGINGNET-3381Support optimization strategy in PartialRotater class
IMAGINGNET-2044Support for OTG (OpenDocument graphics template)
IMAGINGNET-3450EMF to PNG conversion gives the wrong position of the text labels SVG converting results in strange PNGs
IMAGINGNET-3230Converting Jpeg to Tiff results in improper green overlay
IMAGINGNET-3444Aspose.Imaging issue with resize SVG image

Aspose.Imaging Cloud v19.7 comes with various formats improvements’ integration to be able to cover even wider range of specific features and use-cases, including OTG format support (please, check our updated format support page) and continuous work on memory efficiency improvements which resulted in increased service resilience.

For the complete list of changes, please refer to Aspose.Imaging for .NET 19.7 Release Notes.

API changes


Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK Changes

IMAGINGCLOUD-366Increase SDK clients timeout
IMAGINGCLOUD-216Integrate Imaging for Cloud Python SDK auto-generation
IMAGINGCLOUD-289Integrate externally added SDK examples
IMAGINGCLOUD-359Change SDK info urls from to
IMAGINGCLOUD-363Update SDKs to use OnPremise name instead of IsMetered and state that this feature is experimental
  • Continued our work on extension of Aspose.Imaging Cloud ecosystem, which resulted in the all-new Python SDK!
  • Added sophisticated examples for .NET and Java SDKs (please, check the Examples folder).
  • Increased request timeout for SDKs.
  • Prepared our SDKs for future Docker Hub release of a Docker image for on-premise deployment which will use metered licensing model.