If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.
If you experience errors, when you try to download a file, make sure your network policies (enforced by your company or ISP) allow downloading ZIP and/or MSI files.

The package is available at nuget.org and it can be installed via package manager console by executing following command:
PM> NuGet\Install-Package Aspose.OMR-Cloud

Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for .NET allows developers to integrate Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) functionality into their cloud-based applications with ease. It supports the creation of machine-readable forms using customizable text or JSON markup, enabling developers to generate and recognize forms without manual intervention. The SDK supports multiple formats such as PDF, JPG, and PNG for both input and output, and it returns recognition results in popular formats like JSON, XML, and CSV. The OMR Cloud SDK simplifies form generation, personalization, and recognition for various use cases, including surveys, exams, and ballots, ensuring high recognition accuracy even with smartphone photos.
Generate machine-readable forms using customizable text or JSON markup languages.
Add logos, barcodes, QR codes, and images to personalize OMR forms.
OMR Processing and Recognition
Recognize filled OMR forms through API calls without the need for manual processing.
High-Accuracy Recognition
Achieve high recognition accuracy for various types of images, including smartphone photos.
Multi-Page Form Support
Process multi-page forms with consistent recognition results across all pages.
Recognize a variety of image formats, including PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, and GIF.
Return recognition results in formats such as JSON, XML, and CSV for easy integration into databases.
Text markup
Lightweight text markup language specifically tailored for Aspose.OMR Cloud.
JSON markup
Describe forms as nested data structures using JSON, the most popular data exchange format.
Text markup
Arrange other elements and define the appearance and design of machine-readable forms.
Build surveys, ballots, checklists, and similar forms that are OMR-ready.
Answer sheets
Populate a form with a grid of bubbles representing answers to an exam, test, or assessment.
Barcodes and QR codes
Add barcodes and QR codes to personalize or uniquely identify a form.
Provide a blank field in which the respondent can handwrite some text or draw a picture.
JSON markup
Template Structure
The top-level element of the Aspose.OMR template source must always be an object with a specific structure, including pages and children elements.
JSON markup includes a wide range of elements like Layout, Questionnaires, and Barcodes, similar to text markup.
Aspose.OMR Cloud generates a printable OMR form in 3 API calls: get access token, send form source code for rendering, and fetch the form and recognition pattern.
Recognition Process
Recognize a filled form in 3 API calls: get access token, send the form’s image for recognition, and fetch the recognition results.
Color codes
Provides a list of color codes that can be used for form customization.
Font families
Lists supported font families for form generation.
SDK Support
Multi-Language SDKs
Access open-source SDKs for .NET, Java, Python, Node.js, and other languages to simplify API integration.
Use OMR Cloud SDKs in web-based and on-premise applications across multiple platforms.
Template Sources
Format | Details |
JSON | A popular open standard file format for describing nested data structures. |
text | Lightweight text markup specifically tailored for Aspose.OMR forms. |
Extension | Details |
.PDF | Portable Document Format, the de facto industry standard for printed documents. |
.JPG | JPEG, a widely used format for digital images. Small file size, but image quality may be slightly reduced due to lossy compression. |
.PNG | Portable Network Graphics, an open, extensible image format with lossless compression. |
.TIFF or .TIF | Tag Image File Format, abbreviated as TIFF or TIF. Popular high-quality graphics format among artists, photographers, and the publishing industry. |
.GIF | Small-sized image files limited to 256 colors. Best suited for websites and slow networks. |
.BMP | Bitmap image file. Supported by almost any device, but the file size can be very large. |
Extension | Details |
.PDF | Portable Document Format (see the note below). |
.JPG | JPEG, the most popular format for smartphone photos. |
.PNG | Portable Network Graphics. |
.TIFF or .TIF | Tag Image File Format, commonly used for high-quality scanning (see the note below). |
.GIF | Graphics Interchange Format. Limited to 256 colors. |
.BMP | Bitmap image file. |
Multi-page PDF and TIFF recognition is not supported as yet; scan each page separately.
Recognition Results
Format | Details |
JSON | A popular open standard format for describing nested data structures. Best for NoSQL databases or web. |
XML | Extensible Markup Language, a universal format for most systems. |
CSV | A lightweight text format using commas to separate values. Ideal for spreadsheet applications and simple relational database tables. |
Supported Color Codes
Code | Code | Code | Code |
Aqua | Aquamarine | Black | Blue |
BlueViolet | Crimson | DarkBlue | DarkGreen |
DarkOrange | DarkSalmon | Fuchsia | Gray |
Indigo | LightGray | Lime | Red |
Teal | White | | |
Supported Font Families
Font Family | Font Family | Font Family | Font Family |
Arial | Arial Black | Bahnschrift | Calibri |
Cambria | Cambria Math | Candara | Comic Sans MS |
Consolas | Constantia | Corbel | Courier New |
Ebrima | Franklin Gothic Medium | Gabriola | Gadugi |
Georgia | HoloLens MDL2 Assets | Impact | Ink Free |
Javanese Text | Leelawadee UI | Lucida Console | Lucida Sans Unicode |
Malgun Gothic | Marlett | Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft JhengHei |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Tai Le |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft Yi Baiti | MingLiU-ExtB | Mongolian Baiti |
MS Gothic | MV Boli | Myanmar Text | Nirmala UI |
Palatino Linotype | Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segoe Print | Segoe Script |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Historic | Segoe UI Symbol |
SimSun | Sitka | Sylfaen | Symbol |
Tahoma | Times New Roman | Trebuchet MS | Verdana |
Webdings | Wingdings | Yu Gothic | |
System Requirements
Requirement | Details |
Device/OS Requirements | No specific device or OS requirements; compatible with any programming language that supports HTTPS requests. |
Supported Programming Languages | .NET, Java, JavaScript (Node.js and AJAX), Python, and more. |
Device Types | Can run on servers, desktops, thin clients, smartphones, and tablets. |
Software Installation | No installation needed; can use cURL commands, scripts, or third-party REST API tools like Postman. |
Internet Access | Device must have internet access and should not be blocked by a firewall. |
Quick Start
1. Sign in and Obtain Credentials
- Log in to the GroupDocs Cloud API Dashboard.
- Go to the Applications page, create cloud storage, and save your application.
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret for your application.
2. Install Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for .NET
You do not need any separate installation. Create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information.
In Visual Studio, open the Package Manager Console and run:
Install-Package Aspose.OMR-Cloud
If you want to upgrade to the latest version of the SDK, execute:
Update-Package Aspose.OMR-Cloud
3. Request Access Token
- Use Client ID and Client Secret to request an access token by sending a POST request to
. - Ensure the parameters
, client_id
, and client_secret
are correctly filled.
4. Authorize REST API Requests
- Include the access token in the Authorization header for each API request using Bearer authentication.
5. Authorize SDK Requests
Learn how to resize a machine-readable OMR form template using Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for .NET and fetch high-precision recognition results.
using System;
using Aspose.OMR.Cloud.Sdk.Model.Requests;
public class ResizeTemplateExample
public void ResizeTemplate()
// Define template name and format
string templateName = "SampleTemplate.omr";
string folder = "OMR_Templates"; // Folder where the template is stored
// Create a request to resize the OMR form
var request = new ResizeTemplateRequest(templateName, 210, 297, folder); // Resize to A4 dimensions
// Call the OMR Cloud API to resize the template
var response = OmrApi.ResizeTemplate(request);
// Print out success message with new template size
Console.WriteLine("Template resized successfully. New size: A4");
Easily convert OMR form recognition results to CSV format with Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for .NET. Process and export data effortlessly.
using System;
using Aspose.OMR.Cloud.Sdk.Model.Requests;
public class ConvertOMRResultsToCSV
public void ConvertToCSV()
// Define recognized form image name and format
string imageName = "FilledForm.jpg";
string folder = "OMR_Results"; // Folder where results are stored
// Create a request to convert the recognized form results to CSV
var request = new ConvertOMRResultsRequest(imageName, "CSV", folder);
// Execute the conversion using OMR Cloud API
var response = OmrApi.ConvertOMRResults(request);
// Output the success message
Console.WriteLine("Recognition results converted to CSV successfully.");
Generate high-quality printable OMR forms using Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for .NET and automate form creation with simple API calls.
using System;
using Aspose.OMR.Cloud.Sdk.Model.Requests;
public class GeneratePrintableOMRForm
public void GenerateForm()
// Define template source code and the output format
string templateSource = "SampleTemplate.omr";
string outputFormat = "PDF"; // Output format for the generated form
// Create a request to generate a printable OMR form
var request = new GenerateOMRFormRequest(templateSource, outputFormat);
// Execute the request using the OMR Cloud API
var response = OmrApi.GenerateOMRForm(request);
// Save the generated form to cloud storage
Console.WriteLine("Printable OMR form generated successfully in PDF format.");