Aspose.PDF Cloud 23.10 Release Notes


  • PDFCLOUD-3778: Aspose.PDF Cloud PostFlattenDocument API Issue.
  • PDFCLOUD-3825: The GetPages API throws timeout error for PDF files larger than 10 Mb.

New Features

  • PDFCLOUD-2906: Support of reading common info of password protected PDF in GetDocument API.
  • PDFCLOUD-3848: Support stamp password protected document using DeleteDocumentStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3846: Support stamp password protected document using DeleteStamp API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3845: Support stamp password protected document using PostDocumentPageNumberStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3844: Support stamp password protected document using PostPageImageStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3843: Support stamp password protected document using PostPageTextStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3842: Support stamp password protected document using GetPageStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3841: Support stamp password protected document using GetDocumentStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3012: Support stamp password protected document using PostPagePdfPageStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3847: Support stamp password protected document using DeletePageStamps API method.
  • PDFCLOUD-3819: Develop a method to add an attachment file to a PDF document.
  • A new version of Aspose.PDF Cloud was prepared using the latest version of Aspose.PDF for .Net.