Aspose.Slides for Cloud 1.6.0 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Cloud 1.6.0 with following improvements.

Major Changes

SAASSLIDES-164Add support for tablesNew Feature
SAASSLIDES-203Add support for PictureFrameNew Feature

API Changes

New resource Image has been added. It allows export individual image in specified format.

Property ContentType has been added to each Image DTO in Images resource.

Property Base64Data has been added to class PictureFill. It allows change fill of a shape, pictureFrame or background of a slide.

POST method of Shapes resource can receive PictureFrame DTO to add new pictures into slide.

Property PictureFillFormat added to PictureFrame DTO. It represents image of the picture frame and allows GET picture info or update bitmap providing base64 data or relative link in PUT request.

POST method of Shapes resource can receive Table DTO to add new table into slide.

Table class has been extended to hold columns and rows information of the table. Table can be updated in PUT request like any other shape.