Aspose.Slides for Cloud 17.10 Release Notes

SLIDESCLOUD-311Enable saving slide in SVG formatFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-312SmartArt shape managementFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-313Support properties of Chart & ChartSeriesFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-314Enable adding and deleting shapes to (from) a GroupShapeFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-315Delete shapesFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-316Cell formattingFeature
SLIDESCLOUD-297Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.10 featuresFeature

Public API Changes

  • nodes and node resources are added to support SmartArt shape management.
    • nodes is available as a subresource of shape (only for SmartArt shapes) and node resources. It represents a node list for a SmartArt shape or a SmartArt shape node. No methods are supported for this resource; it can only be used with node subresource.
    • node is available as a subresource of nodes resource. It represents a SmartArt shape node. No methods are supported for this resource; it can only be used with nodes or shapes subresource.
  • POST method of shapes resource supports adding shapes to a group shape.
  • DELETE method is added to shape resource to delete a shape from a list of shapes in a slide or a group shape.
  • svg is added to valid values of format parameter for slide resources and for Save task of the pipeline resource. It allows to save or download a slide in Scalable Vector Graphics format.
  • SideWall, BackWall, Floor, Legend, Axes and PlotArea properties are added to Chart type. They allow to get and set chart walls, legend, axes & plot area formatting & other properties.
  • Smooth, PlotOnSecondAxis, Order, NumberFormatOfYValues, NumberFormatOfXValues, NumberFormatOfValues, NumberFormatOfBubbleSizes, InvertIfNegative, Explosion, Marker, FillFormat, EffectFormat and LineFormat properties are added to Series type. They allow to get and set chart series properties.
  • MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginLeft, MarginBottom, TextAnchorType, TextVerticalType, FillFormat, BorderTop, BorderRight, BorderLeft, BorderBottom, BorderDiagonalUp and BorderDiagonalDown properies are added to Cell type. They allow to get and set table cell properties.