Aspose.Slides Cloud 21.6 Release Notes

Important Changes and Enhancements

  • SLIDESCLOUD-1125 Methods to add & remove comments

Other Improvements and Changes

  • SLIDESCLOUD-1210 PostSlidesConvert method doesn’t allow getting result through API Reference
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1208 How to get consumed credits and data in Docker Container

Public API changes

Add/remove comments

POST & DELETE methods for comments resource allow to add and delete comments to/from presentations.

Example 1 - add a comment to a presentation using the storage


Request body:

  "author": "John Doe",
  "text": "Here is my comment"

SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");
SlideComment comment = new SlideComment { Author = "John Doe", Text = "Here is my comment" };
api.CreateComment("MyPresentation.pptx", 2, comment);

Example 2 - add a comment to a presentation not using the storage


Request body:

Presentation file and comment JSON:

  "author": "John Doe",
  "text": "Here is my comment"

SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");
Stream inputFile = File.OpenRead("MyPresentation.pptx");
SlideComment comment = new SlideComment { Author = "John Doe", Text = "Here is my comment" };
Stream outputFile = api.CreateCommentOnline(inputFile, 2, comment);

Example 3 - Delete all comments from a presentation on the storage


SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");

Example 4 - Delete all comments by a specific author from a presentation in request body


Request body:

Presentation file.

SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");
Stream inputFile = File.OpenRead("MyPresentation.pptx");
Stream outputFile = api.DeleteCommentsOnline(inputFile, "John Doe");

Example 5 - delete comments from a specific slide & author in a presentation on the storage


SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");
api.DeleteSlideComments("MyPresentation.pptx", 2, "John Doe");

Example 6 - delete all comments from a specific slide in a presentation from request body


Request body:

Presentation file

SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyClientId", "MyClientSecret");
Stream inputFile = File.OpenRead("MyPresentationWithWatermarks.pptx");
Stream outputFile = api.DeleteSlideCommentsOnline(inputFile, 2);

Removed Duplicate Resources

GET {name}/{format} method is removed. Instead, use POST {name}/{format} method to retrive presentations in a specific format instead.

GET {name}/slides/{slideIndex}/{format} method is removed. Instead, use POST {name}/slides/{slideIndex}/{format} method to retrieve slides in a specific format instead.

GET {name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/{format} method is removed. Instead, use POST {name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/{format} method to retrieve shapes in a specific format.

Removed SDK Methods

SDK methods no longer use Request parameters. Also, many method names are changed. The old method declarations, as well as Request classes, have been deleted. For a list of renamed methods, see 21.3 release notes.