Aspose.Slides Cloud 24.12 Release Notes
Improvements and Changes
- SLIDESCLOUD-1929 Text is not selected when adding modern comments
- SLIDESCLOUD-1977 Add IncludeOleData property to PdfExportOptions
- SLIDESCLOUD-1978 Add DeleteEmbeddedBinaryObjects property to ExportOptions
- SLIDESCLOUD-1995 Animations are not converting from PPTX to Mpeg4 properly
- SLIDESCLOUD-1997 Extract shape content and all properties in single API response
- SLIDESCLOUD-2000 Support for the Tile properties of the PictureFillFormat
- SLIDESCLOUD-2001 Support EffectType.FloatUp and EffectType.FloatDown
- SLIDESCLOUD-2002 Support EffectSubtype.SlideCenter and EffectSubtype.ObjectCenter
- SLIDESCLOUD-2003 Support for the Grid and Guides properties
- SLIDESCLOUD-2004 Support IPictureFillFormat.CompressImage Method
- SLIDESCLOUD-2006 API methods throw exceptions but the request appears as 200
- SLIDESCLOUD-2008 Negative step count in async operation progress info
Public API changes
- Added CompressImage method. DeletePictureCroppedAreas method is deprecated and will be removed after 25.2 release.
- The Paragraphs property of Shape class is now a list of Paragraph objects instead of ResourceURIs.
- Added TileScaleX, TileScaleY, TileOffsetX, TileOffsetY, TileAlignment and TileFlip properties to PictureFill class.
- Added DrawingGuides property to CommonSlideViewProperty class.
- Added DeleteEmbeddedBinaryObjects boolean property to ExportOptions class.
- Added IncludeOleData boolean property to PdfExportOptions class.
- Added GridSpacing property to ViewProperties class.