Aspose.Slides Cloud 24.7 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

  • SLIDESCLOUD-1969 Integrate WebExtensions into Cloud project
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1962 Support XML export format
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1965 Support ITextSearchOptions interface with ReplaceText method
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1963 Support PdfOptions.RasterizeUnsupportedFontStyles and PptxOptions.Zip64Mode options
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1964 Support ICellFormat.Transparency and ITableFormat.Transparency properties
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1967 Support ISaveOption.GradientStyle property
  • SLIDESCLOUD-1973 “Unknown key: SameSite = None” message when using Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Ruby

Public API changes

Added TemplatesPath property to Html5ExportOptions class. It enables using custom templates in conversion to Html5 format. See documentation for more info.

Added GetHtml5Templates method to retrieve the list of default Html5 templates.

Added Xml to the list of available export formats.

Added wholeWordsOnly parameter to ReplacePresentationText method.

Added GradientStyle property to ExportOptions class.

Added ResterizeUnsupportedFontStyles property to PdfExportOptions class.

Added Zip64Mode property to PptxExportOptions class.

Added Transparency property to Table and TableCell class.

Removed obsolete DownloadPortionsAsMathML, SavePortionsAsMathML methods. Use DownloadMathPortion and SaveMathPortion methods to convert portions to math formats.