compile(group: 'com.aspose', name: 'aspose-tasks-cloud', version: '21.7.0')
<dependency org="com.aspose" name="aspose-tasks-cloud" rev="21.7.0">
    <artifact name="aspose-tasks-cloud" ext="jar"/>
libraryDependencies += "com.aspose" % "aspose-tasks-cloud" % "21.7.0"

Java SDK to Process MS Project® Formats


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Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Java helps you work with Microsoft Project® (MPT, MPP, MPX) & Primavera® (XER, XML, and PrimaveraP6XML) file formats within your cloud-based Java Apps, without installing any 3rd party software. It is a wrapper around Aspose.Tasks Cloud REST APIs.

MS Project® Processing Features

  • Project Assignments
  • Project Tasks
    • Add a new task to a project
    • Get all tasks or a specific task of a project
    • Get recurring information for the task
    • Move a task to another parent task or a sibling task
  • Project Resources
  • Project Calendars
    • Add project calendar
    • Get all or a specific project calendar item Get work week collection of calendar Add/update/delete project exeptions
  • Project Task Links
    • Add a task link to project
    • Get task links information from a project
  • Project Outline Codes and Extended Attributes
    • Add a new extended attribute definition to a project
    • Create project report in PDF format
    • Get extended attributes information
    • Get a project’s extended attribute by index
    • Get outline codes information or get outline code By index
  • Project Documents
    • Convert project document to a specified format
    • Convert project document to another format with the specified save options
    • Get UIDs of projects in multi-project files
    • Import project with the specified UID from file or from a database (DB)
    • Get Page Count of a Project
  • Project Online
    • Create a new online project
    • Import project from online project server
    • Get a list of online projects
  • Recalculate Project
    • Recalculate project resource fields & incomplete work
    • Recalculate project work as complete
  • Project Time Phased Data
    • Get timescaled data for assignment, resource, or task
    • Modify time phased data in assignment
  • Project Document Properties
    • Create or edit project document property
    • Add non-existing document property
    • Get all document properties of a project or a specific property by name
  • Project Files and Cloud Storage
    • Upload, download, copy, move and delete files, including versions handling (if you are using Cloud storage that supports this feature - true by default).
    • Create, copy, move and delete folders.
    • Copy and move files and folders accross separate storages in scope of a single operation.
    • Check if certain file, folder or storage exists.

Read & Write Project Data

Microsoft Project®: MPP, XML, MPT
Primavera®: MPX

Save Project Data As

Primavera®: XER, PrimaveraP6XML
Microsoft Excel: XLSX
Image: PNG, JPEG, TIF (Format24bppRgb)
Vector: SVG
Text: TXT


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven


To use Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Java you need to register an account with Aspose Cloud and lookup/create Client ID and Client Secret at Cloud Dashboard. There is free quota available. For more details, see Aspose Cloud Pricing.


Install from Maven

Add Aspose Cloud repository to your application pom.xml

        <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Install from source

To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project’s POM:



At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/aspose-tasks-cloud-21.10.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Convert MS Project® MPP to PDF in Java

// Start README example

// if baseUrl is null, TasksApi uses default https://api.aspose.cloud 
TasksApi tasksApi = new TasksApi(clientId, clientSecret, baseUrl);

String localPath = PathUtil.get(localFolder, fileName);
String remotePath = PathUtil.get(remoteFolder, remoteName);

UploadFileRequest uploadRequest = new UploadFileRequest(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(localPath)), remotePath, null);

GetReportPdfRequest request = new GetReportPdfRequest(remoteFileName, ReportType.MILESTONES.getValue(), null, null);

File result = tasksApi.getReportPdf(request);

// End README example


All Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDKs, helper scripts and templates are licensed under MIT License.

Authorization & Authentication

Authentication schemes defined for the API is as follows:



It’s recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

Product Page | Documentation | Live Demo | API Reference | Code Samples | Blog | Free Support | Free Trial

VersionRelease Date
24.4.0April 24, 2024
22.12.0December 16, 2022
22.7.0August 4, 2022
21.10.0October 28, 2021
21.8.0August 27, 2021
21.7.0August 1, 2021
1.0.0May 12, 2020
1.0.1May 12, 2020