Aspose.Tasks Cloud 22.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-10699Add an API for read-only access to Primavera-specific task’s properties for projects read from XER\P6XML formatsEnhancement
TASKSNET-10696Change sort order of summary tasks for a project read from XER formatEnhancement
TASKSNET-10657Fix ‘TimephasedData value is not in correct format’ exception when reading the specific fileBug
TASKSNET-10652Fix reading of filter criteria when value is fractional numberBug
TASKSNET-10614Fix Percent and Duration differences for Milestone and Summary tasks read from Primavera XER formatBug
TASKSNET-10693Fix reading of rates from XER formatBug
TASKSNET-10692Fix incorrect values of Work and Cost fields for assignments with Units count not equal to 1 in project read from XER file.Bug
TASKSNET-10691Fix incorrect PercentageComplete value for task with zero duration for project read from XER fileBug
TASKSNET-10683Fix timephased data for baselines are not shown when project is opened using MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-10678Fix resetting of the dates when opening .XER file using trial version of Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-10667Fix reading of timephased data for task’s numbered baselines.Bug
TASKSNET-4334Fix writing of baseline’s TimephasedData for files with large number of timephased data items in baseline’s TimephasedData collectionBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following API endpoints were added:Description
GET on{name}/tasks/{taskUid}/primaveraPropertiesGet primavera properties for a task with the specified Uid.
The following objects and properties were added:Description
Document property “DefaultTaskEVMethod”The default earned value method for tasks.
Document property “EarnedValueMethod”The default method for calculating earned value.
Document property “ExtendedCreationDate”Date used for calculation and reporting.
Document property “IsFiscalYearStart”Determines whether the fiscal year numbering is used.
Document property “IsAdminProject”Determines whether a project is an administrative project.
Document property “AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks”Determines whether new resources or tasks automatically added to a resource or task pool.
Document property “BaselineForEarnedValue”The specific baseline used to calculate Variance values.
Document property “CurrencyCode”The three letter currency character code as defined in ISO 4217. Example of valid values is “USD”.
Document property “CanSpreadActualCost”Determines whether actual costs are spread to the status date.
Document property “CanSpreadPercentComplete”Determines whether a percent complete is spread to the status date.
Document property “Template”Project’s template.
PrimaveraTaskPropertiesPrimaveraTaskProperties DTO
PrimaveraTaskProperties.SequenceNumberThe sequence number of the WBS item (summary tasks). It is used to sort summary tasks in Primavera.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActivityIdActivity id field - a task’s unique identifier used by Primavera.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingEarlyFinishRemaining early finish date - the date when the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to be finished.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingEarlyStartRemaining early start date - the date when the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingLateStartRemaining late start date.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingLateFinishRemaining late finish date.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RawDurationTypeRaw text representation (as in source file) of ‘Duration Type’ field of the activity.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RawActivityTypeRaw text representation (as in source file) of ‘Activity Type’ field of the activity.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RawCompletePercentTypeRaw text representation (as in source file) of ‘% Complete Type’ field of the activity.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RawStatusRaw text representation (as in source file) of ‘Status’ field of the activity.

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-10699 - Add an API for read-only access to Primavera-specific task’s properties for projects read from XER\P6XML formats

It not a secret that in API of Aspose.Tasks model of Project (including Tasks, Resources, Assignments and related entities) was built with MS Project’s model in mind. Primavera has slightly different model of Project and, as a consequence, some Primavera fields don’t have corresponding properties in public API of Aspose.Tasks. To partially address this issue we added PrimaveraTaskProperties object which will contain read-only values of Primavera-specific fields read from source XER of P6XML file.