Aspose.Tasks Cloud 22.7 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-2596Add support for “Calculation for task and group summary rows” custom field optionEnhancement
TASKSNET-10471Remove unnecessary memory allocations when reading Task, Assignment, Resource propertiesEnhancement
TASKSNET-10556Add IsRoot property to Resource objectEnhancement
TASKSNET-10499Fix reading\writing of Guids from\to XER fileBug
TASKSNET-10485Fix rendering of holidays in Gantt Chart viewBug
TASKSNET-10484Fix reading of Finish Milestones from XER formatBug
TASKSNET-10483Fix parsing of formulas with different separatorsBug
TASKSNET-10479Fix differences of calculated custom fields between versionsBug
TASKSNET-10520Fix reading \ writing of PreleveledStart and PreleveledFinish fieldsBug
TASKSNET-10519Fix task ‘Notes’ icon is incorrectly shown when MPP saved by Aspose.Tasks is opened using MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-10508Fix calculation of formulaBug
TASKSNET-10507Fix reading of Activity Codes from XER: some codes are missingBug
TASKSNET-10497Fix calculation of PercentComplete and PercentWorkComplete for tasks read from XER fileBug
TASKSNET-10482Fix incorrect Start\Finish dates of task with zero durationBug
TASKSNET-4691Fix incorrect writing of extended attributes for specific version of MPP 2003 formatBug
TASKSNET-10536Fix each call to project.Recalculate decreases work of task with ‘FixedDuration’ Type and non-flat WorkContourBug
TASKSNET-10524Fix infinite loop in recalculations when task calendar is set to 24hBug
TASKSNET-10505Fix incorrect timephased data generation for tasks with non flat WorkContourBug
TASKSNET-10554Fix incorrect calculation of Asn.Finish for assignments with Asn.Units not equal 1Bug
TASKSNET-10552Fix NullReference exception when reading/writing file with absent “TBknAssn.Props” streamBug
TASKSNET-10569Fix resource rate’s RateTo property is set incorrectly when reading project from Primavera P6 XML formatBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public properties were added:Description
ExtendedAttributeDefinition.SummaryRowsCalculationTypeSpecifies the type of a calculation of the custom attribute’s value for summary rows.
Resource.IsRootGets the flag indicating whether resource is a root resource.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
SummaryRowsCalculationType.NoneMeans the custom attribute’s value for summary rows is not calculated.
SummaryRowsCalculationType.RollupMeans the custom attribute’s value for summary rows is calculated using rollup function defined in “ExtendedAttributeDefinition.RollupType”
SummaryRowsCalculationType.UseFormulaMeans the custom attribute’s value for summary rows is calculated using formula defined in “ExtendedAttributeDefinition.Formula” />.

Additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-2596 - Add support for “Calculation for task and group summary rows” custom field option

The API for Extended attributes were improved. The previous ExtendedAttributeDefinition API where ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CalculationType should be one of the following: { None, Lookup, Rollup, Calculation } didn’t reflect all the cases such as extended attribute where values for leaf tasks are calculated using formula and values of the summary tasks are calculated using rollup. ExtendedAttributeDefinition.SummaryRowsCalculationType property (with values None, Rollup, UseFormula) was added to reflect MS Project’s model of extended attribute’s settings. ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CalculationType’s values are now limited to (None, Lookup, Formula) values.

Extended attribute settings in MS Project