Aspose.Tasks Cloud 24.10 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-11146Remove rounding when reading Asn.Units from MPPEnhancement
TASKSNET-11192Fix order of project import when importing default projects from XER file containing several projectsEnhancement
TASKSCLOUD-851Enhance PrimaveraTaskProperties by new fieldsEnhancement
TASKSNET-11118Fix reading of MPP file with non-standard structure saved by MS Project version 16.0.16924.20150Bug
TASKSNET-11116Fix reading of task and resource Guids from XML formatBug
TASKSNET-11100Fix writing of TimephasedData for assignment of material resourceBug
TASKSNET-11113Fix empty Assignments guids when project is saved to MPP and XML repeatedlyBug
TASKSNET-11110Fix calculation of the dependent properties when task PercentComplete is set to 100%Bug
TASKSNET-11079Fix inability to set ActualFinish for tasks with zero durationBug
TASKSNET-11142Fix incorrect work of material assignment shown by MS Project when project.WorkFormat is set to TimeUnitType.DayBug
TASKSNET-11148Fix incorrect writing of zero duration tasks which can lead to incorrect dates shown when project is recalculated in MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-11186Fix generation of timephased data when load’s change is aligned with weekendsBug
TASKSNET-11137Fix Asn.WorkVariance calculationBug
TASKSNET-4871Fix task split by Aspose.Tasks is displayed as three-part in MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-11208Fix timephased data of assignment with Contoured work contour is not changed when parent task`s start is changedBug
TASKSNET-11161Fix reading of calendar for the specific fileBug
TASKSNET-11160Fix exception when reading Global MPT template fileBug
TASKSNET-11230Fix calendar reading from XER format: project’s MinutesPerDay, MinutesPerWeek, DaysPerMonth are taken from non-default calendarBug
TASKSNET-11202Fix generation of AssignmentActualWork timephased dataBug
TASKSNET-11201Fix “An entry with the same key already exists” when reading resource rates from XER fileBug
TASKSNET-11197Fix reading of Baseline.TimephasedDataBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public properties were added:Description
Calendar.GuidGets calendar’s Guid.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.DurationPercentCompleteGets the value of duration percent complete.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.PhysicalPercentCompleteGets the value of Physical Percent Complete. Applicable only to activities (non-summary tasks).
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualNonLaborUnitsGets the value of actual non labor units.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualLaborUnitsGets the value of actual labor units.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.UnitsPercentCompleteGets the value of units percent complete.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingLaborUnitsGets the value of remaining labor units.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingNonLaborUnitsGets the value of remaining non labor units.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.DurationTypeGets the value of ‘Duration Type’ field of the activity. Applicable only to activities (non-summary tasks).
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActivityTypeGets the value of ‘Activity Type’ field. Applicable only to activities (non-summary tasks).
PrimaveraTaskProperties.PercentCompleteTypeGets the value of ‘% Complete Type’ field of the activity. Applicable only to activities (non-summary tasks).
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualLaborCostGets the value of actual labor cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualNonlaborCostGets the value of actual non labor cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualMaterialCostGets the value of actual material cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualExpenseCostGets the value of actual expense cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.RemainingExpenseCostGets the value of remaining expense cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.ActualTotalCostGets the total value of actual costs.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.BudgetedTotalCostGets the total value of budgeted (or planned) costs.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.BudgetedLaborCostGets the value of budgeted (or planned) labor cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.BudgetedNonlaborCostGets the value of budgeted (or planned) non labor cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.BudgetedMaterialCostGets the value of of budgeted (or planned) material cost.
PrimaveraTaskProperties.BudgetedExpenseCostGets the value of budgeted (or planned) expense cost.
The following public types were added:Description
PrimaveraDurationTypeSpecifies duration type of Primavera activity.
PrimaveraActivityTypeSpecifies type of Primavera activity.
PrimaveraPercentCompleteTypeSpecifies value of ‘% Complete Type’ field for Primavera activities.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
PrimaveraDurationType.NoneNot specified or not applicable.
PrimaveraDurationType.FixedDurationUnits‘Fixed Duration And Units’ duration type.
PrimaveraDurationType.FixedDurationUnitsTime‘Fixed Duration And Units/Time’ duration type.
PrimaveraDurationType.FixedUnits‘Fixed Units’ duration type.
PrimaveraDurationType.FixedUnitsTime‘Fixed Units/Time’ duration type.
PrimaveraActivityType.NoneNot specified or not applicable.
PrimaveraActivityType.StartMilestone‘Start Milestone’ activity type.
PrimaveraActivityType.FinishMilestone‘Finish Milestone’ activity type.
PrimaveraActivityType.TaskDependent‘Task Dependent’ activity type.
PrimaveraActivityType.ResourceDependent‘Resource Dependent’ activity type.
PrimaveraActivityType.LevelOfEffort‘Level Of Effort’ activity type.
PrimaveraActivityType.WbsSummary‘WBS Summary’ activity type.
PrimaveraPercentCompleteType.NoneNot specified or not applicable.
PrimaveraPercentCompleteType.DurationDuration % Complete type.
PrimaveraPercentCompleteType.PhysicalPhysical % Complete type.
PrimaveraPercentCompleteType.UnitsUnits % Complete type.