Aspose.Tasks Cloud 24.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-11278Add TaskUid to TaskValidationExceptionEnhancement
TASKSNET-11249Fix calculation of Stop/Resume properties for tasksBug
TASKSNET-11252Fix calculation of ActualDuration, Duration and Finish for summary tasksBug
TASKSNET-11280Fix indents are included to task names when rendering bar texts in Gantt chartBug
TASKSNET-11274Fix calculation of assignments peak unitsBug
TASKSNET-11273Fix calculation of ActualDuration and Duration by work for resource assignments with non-flat work contourBug
TASKSNET-11264Fix reading of timephased data for the file with intersection of working exception and calendar exceptionBug
TASKSNET-11245Add baseline bars rendering in Gantt chartBug
TASKSNET-11240Fix rendering of Gantt chart barsBug
TASKSNET-11301Fix writing of resource’s availability periodsBug
TASKSNET-11279Fix initialization of MinutesPerDay, MinutesPerWeek, HoursPerMonth properties when reading a project from XER file with v. 6.0.0Bug
TASKSNET-11323Fix writing of baseline’s TimephasedData for summary tasksBug
TASKSNET-11297Fix System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added exception when opening the specific MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-11270Fix font size is not applied when TextStyle is overriden in SaveOptions.TextStylesBug
TASKSNET-11136Fix reading/writing of Task.IsRollup property for MSP 2010 formatBug
TASKSNET-11047Fix task progress is not shown when opening MPP file saved by Aspose.Tasks using MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-11328Fix saving of fonts for MPP9-MPP16 formats when the user adds a text style or group which uses font previously not added to a projectBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public properties were added:Description
ProjectRecalculationResult.FailedTaskUidGets the task uid which caused the validation error.