Aspose Words Cloud 22.7 Release Notes

The page contains release notes for Aspose.Words Cloud 22.7 – API Reference.

Important Changes and New Features

Words Cloud Changes

  • Improved the ‘AppendDocument’ method to support ‘ImageEntryList’ in order to directly append images to a document and images to an image
  • Implemented the ‘CompressDocument’ API for reducing the size of a document, and for compressing and resizing images within a document

PDF to Word conversion improvements

  • Fixed reading PDF pages with background images
  • Fixed a couple of problems in encrypted PDFs’ import
  • Added new logic that merges duplicates in custom document properties (to avoid errors later)
  • Reworked ‘Metadata’ section reading to support both encrypted and non-encrypted formats
  • Filtered out PDF images with incorrect width or height (less than 1 pixel)
  • MediaBox data recovery was improved to work properly with complex page trees

Cloud SDK Changes

  • .NET, C++, Dart, Go, Node.js, Swift SDKs:
    • Improved the ‘AppendDocument’ method to support ‘ImageEntryList’ in order to directly append images to a document and images to an image
    • Implemented the ‘CompressDocument’ API for reducing the size of a document, and for compressing and resizing images within a document

All changes

WORDSCLOUD-1654Parse the multipart response and make it possible to download individual files from it using Swagger UINew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-2035Implement new API to compress documentsNew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-2038Implement new API to merge images to a document and images to an imageNew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-1574Converting DOCX to HTML and back to DOCX changes the color of list itemsBug
WORDSCLOUD-2041Filemanager instance has not been initialized on the production serverBug
WORDSCLOUD-2057Ruby SDK: incorrect timeout handlingBug
WORDSNET-23810Incorrect background image after Pdf2Word conversionBug
WORDSNET-23855CryptographicException: The input data is not a complete blockBug
WORDSNET-23918ArgumentException is thrown due to duplicate elements in CustomDocumentPropertiesBug
WORDSNET-23941ZlibException: Bad state (invalid distance code)Bug
WORDSNET-23947OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32Bug
WORDSNET-23948InvalidOperationException: MediaBox is nullBug