Aspose Words Cloud 24.5 Release Notes

The page contains release notes for Aspose.Words Cloud 24.5 – API Reference.

Important Changes and New Features

Words Cloud Changes

  • Added support for accessing multiple storages in a single request
  • Stability and performance fixes

PDF to Word conversion improvements

  • Improved PDF format detection
  • Fixed wrapping of images inside tables
  • Fixed calculation of bookmark position

All changes

WORDSCLOUD-2509Implement the ability to save the output document in different cloud storages when converting itNew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-2679Implement support for AWS S3 storage in the self-hosting Docker containerNew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-2717API Reference: invalid data in C# code snippetBug
WORDSCLOUD-2716ExecuteMailMergeOnline failed: SSL connection could not be establishedBug
WORDSCLOUD-2715Error getting the list of files in the ‘fonts’ folder from storageBug
WORDSCLOUD-2713502/504 errorsBug
WORDSCLOUD-2712Timeout errors occur in the production environmentBug
WORDSCLOUD-2691API Reference: pressing the ‘Enter’ key in any field updates the current pageBug
WORDSCLOUD-2685MailMerge: templates do not match the parameters that must be set for proper operationBug
WORDSCLOUD-2684MailMerge: undocumented restrictions on merge fieldsBug
WORDSCLOUD-2657RenderPage and RenderPageOnline requests fail in the production environmentBug
WORDSCLOUD-2634InternalError occurs when converting PDF to MarkdownBug
WORDSCLOUD-2627Bulleted lists are marked up incorrectly when converting PDF to DOCXBug
WORDSCLOUD-2526GetRangeText API excludes the required rangeEndIdentifierBug
WORDSCLOUD-2513Unexpected behavior when using DocumentSplitCriteriaBug
WORDSCLOUD-2037Python SDK: timeout error occurs when converting PDF to MarkdownBug
WORDSCLOUD-212Unable to read all cross-reference fields from a Word documentBug
WORDSNET-26838PDF document is detected as MHTMLBug
WORDSNET-26840Logo image gets incorrect position when converting PDF to DOCXBug
WORDSNET-26888Pdf2Word: bookmarks should be placed outside the footersBug