Aspose Words Cloud 25.2 Release Notes

The page contains release notes for Aspose.Words Cloud 25.2 – API Reference.

Important Changes and New Features

Words Cloud Changes

  • IdPrefix and RemoveJavaScriptFromLinks properties have been added to the HtmlFixedSaveOptions and SvgSaveOptions classes:
    • IdPrefix: a custom prefix can now be specified for all element IDs in the output document, ensuring unique and conflict-free IDs.
    • RemoveJavaScriptFromLinks: JavaScript can now be removed from hyperlinks in the output, improving security and compliance.
  • Batch processing logic in the PHP SDK has been updated:
    • All requests, including the initial SearchRequest, are now correctly added to the batch array.
    • Internal request handling has been improved to ensure that all operations in the batch are executed as expected, even if one request encounters an error.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been ensured by properly handling array keys to prevent warnings or exceptions.

All changes

WORDSCLOUD-2912Add support for IdPrefix, RemoveJavaScriptFromLinks properties to HtmlFixed and Svg save optionsNew Feature
WORDSCLOUD-2345PHP SDK: batch processing doesn’t work as expectedBug
WORDSCLOUD-2908Superscript doesn’t work with Arial fontBug
WORDSCLOUD-2931PHP API: undefined array key ‘Content-Type’ exception is thrown when batch operations are performedBug
WORDSCLOUD-2947Problem integrating Swift SDK into macOS/iOS projects using Swift Package Manager (SPM)Bug