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If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.
If you experience errors, when you try to download a file, make sure your network policies (enforced by your company or ISP) allow downloading ZIP and/or MSI files.
Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for .NET是一个图表编程 SDK,允许软件开发人员从他们自己的应用程序中操作和转换 Microsoft Visio®。 Aspose.Diagram Cloud for .NET 是 RESTfull API 的包装器,可加速 Microsoft Visio 编程和转换。
打开 NuGet包管理器,搜索Aspose.Diagram-Cloud并安装。您也可以从包管理器控制台使用以下命令。
Product Page | Documentation | Demos | Swagger UI | Examples | Blog | Search | Free Support | Free Trial
此云 SDK 使您的 C#、ASP.NET 和其他 .NET 云应用程序能够从您的应用程序中create & process Visio® diagrams,而无需安装 Microsoft Visio。
Microsoft Visio®: VSD、VDW、VSS、VST
您无需安装任何东西即可开始使用 Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for .NET。您需要做的就是在 Aspose for Cloud 创建一个帐户并获取您的申请信息。
只需从 Visual Studio 中的包管理器控制台执行“Install-Package Aspose.Diagram-Cloud”,即可在您的项目中获取和引用 Aspose.Diagram 程序集。如果您已经有Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for .NET 并且想要升级它,请执行Update-Package Aspose.Diagram-Cloud 来获取最新版本。
Update-Package Aspose.Diagram-Cloud
请查看 GitHub Repository 了解常见的使用场景。