
If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.

下载用于处理 PowerPoint® 格式的 Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK

Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Go 提供了在云端创建和操作 Microsoft PowerPoint® 演示文稿的能力。执行拆分、合并、复制、删除、添加新幻灯片、移动幻灯片、获取幻灯片计数、删除幻灯片背景、获取配色方案、纵横比、获取评论、提取甚至操作演示文稿中的元素,包括幻灯片、文本、字体方案、形状、图像或将幻灯片中的单个形状提取为支持的图像格式。该 SDK 还能够实现行业标准演示格式以及包括 SVG 在内的常用图像格式的相互转换。它还提供了一个辅助功能来指定结果文件的尺寸,同时确保最高的保真度标准。

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